Spragg Bush Track

Spragg Bush Track is about 5 km along Scenic Drive after Parkinson Lookout and an excellent introduction to the Waitakere Ranges. There are several connected short tracks, which can be a bit confusing without a Topo Map. Scenic Drive has two track entries – one just after Mountain Road, heading northwest, and one a bit further along the road. Both are poorly signposted for drivers and easy to miss. The first one has parking in a grassed area of the road; the second has an unmarked parking area on the verge, almost opposite the track entrance.

It takes about an hour to do the track's various, mostly flat legs at a meander. The forest walk has a scattering of mature native trees, with rampant jungle-like regrowth in between. The kiekie climbing shrub is especially prominent, with many tangled examples. There are also 3 obvious mature kauris, one of which is particularly big and right next to the track.

One of the track legs passes by a modest white picket fence enclosure. This was the first cemetery in the area, now in the process of being taken over by the regenerating forest.

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